long weekend April 25 Rome, bike tours in Rome

April 25 long weekend in Rome: what to do and see in Rome

What happens in Italy on April 25th?

Liberation Day in Italy is celebrated on April 25th as Festa della Liberazione. The day is a public holiday in Italy that marks the end of the Italian Civil War and the end of the Nazi occupation.

These days, April 25 in Italy is a day when you will see gatherings in the cities. Many cities host fairs, concerts, food festivals or special events.

Unlike on some other big Italian holidays, most major sites and museums are open on Liberation Day, although businesses and some stores are likely to be closed. You may also come across special exhibits or exceptional openings of sites or monuments not normally open to the public.

Since the May 1 holiday of Labor Day falls less than a week later, Italians often take a ponte, or bridge, to have an extended vacation from April 25

Many Italians, and especially the Romans, plan for this day picnics in villas or parks or outings.


A proposal to visit Rome in the open air on April 25th Weekend

If you are planning to spend the long weekend of April 25th in Rome, you are on the right page!

The proposals on what to do and see in the city are many. But we at Roma Starbike offer something special, less known and that makes you live a different experience!

 Tour in bici al tramonto "Roma by Night"Visit Rome by bike during the long weekend of April 25th

During the days of the long weekend of April 25th. Rome STARBIKE offers guided tours and electric bike tours, to discover the beauties of the eternal city.

With the bike tour, discover Rome from a different point of view, doing outdoor activities, but without stress or fatigue!

In fact, our new top-of-the-range bikes have assisted pedaling.

City bikes, mountain bikes and fat bikes are available for all types of routes and ground! All Electric Bikes!

What better days than spring weekend to stay outdoors and enjoy the city without the traffic of working days?

Tour in Bici Roma con occhiali 3D per Realtà VirtualeWhy can the electric bike tour be done effortlessly?

Because the electric bicycle allows you to select the degree of fatigue you want to tackle by selecting levels from 0 to 5.

In this way you can decide with what degree of effort you want to tackle the path.

The electric bike is an excellent way to enjoy outdoor time even with children. who can thus be transported in a child seat or with a trailer bike (trailer bike), without the burden of the additional weight.

Which routes can be done by bike during the weekend of April 25th in Rome?

We offer different types of bike tours, depending on your interests.